
Ever fallen in love....

with someone you'd never met and didn't really even know? Well, i have, just 2 days ago and now i'm addicted to this 8 month old, sweet little boy. I've added a link to my blog on the left-hand side and it says "pray for stellan". to read about his story and struggle with SVT click here - the blogging mama and photographer has an amazing blog and you will get to read about stellan's condition. He has been in the hospital the last week and for 3 days his heartbeat was racing at over 230 beats per minute. This baby has been through hell the last few days and the family is asking for prayers for wisdom for the doctors and family, for his heart to come out of svt, and hope. They also courageously, in this time of fear, ask you to donate to other causes, pray for all the babies in PICU or NICU ...all of the things we fail to think about when our own families are so healthy. They are currently contemplating a air transport to Boston for a possible ablation which could result in a permenant, 100% pace-maker for this sweet 8-month old baby. All of the details are further explained on her site. You can follow detailed updates on her Twitter account here. The story is very moving - I kept feeling the need to post about and continue stretching the prayer chain.....what can i say - i fell in love.

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