Ever fallen in love....
the Beach!!!
Ty-bear is pouting because he is tired and doesn't want to walk anymore so he just plopped down and threw a fit - gotta love those terrible 2's...
oh no - waterfall in the foyer!
He of course can't comprehend what i'm talking about at first...then he says - don't worry I'll be right home. in the meantime I find a small trash can and start collecting over a gallon of water and put all 4 *clean* beach towels down! Finally, after about 20 minutes the rain, i mean leak, stops.
Now...we are on the first floor of a condo / coach home. There are 4 college boys that live above us...we ring their doorbell (3 times) and they finally answer and act like they cannot even understand the words that are coming out of our mouths!
the conversation went something like this:
"uh, dude, we like just got home, I don't know if anything is leaking....or overflowing....um - do you want us to like go check or something and let you know??" How do you keep from responding something such as "No, you moron, move over and I will come in and check for myself!?" We suggest - did someone just take a shower or did you possibly have a keg, I mean toilet, overflow? their response: "um, i'm not sure, i just got home"
okay this conversation is obviously going nowhere....fyi: we are calling the association and they may be knocking on your door to check your shower drain!
fast forward 40 minutes, the fire / water restoration team is here -- the wall is obviously damp, hence the water spot on the wall as well as the ceiling - so I get 2 drying fans and a dehumidifier...it is yet to be determined if the drywall will need replaced.
Oh yeah and I'm supposed to hang out and wait for the frat boys to take another shower to determine the source of this leak....
fun times for sure!
Going to the Beach!!
can't live without.....
I have been promising some picks of our new diggs...here is the view out our dining room / lanai window! It is lovely....i took some others of the living / dining area - really the only rooms almost organized enough to take pics! we are still unpacking some misc. stuff that we can't find the perfect place for yet....
the kitchen and dining area
i'm standing in the 'formal dining area' in this picture taking a view of the living room / kitchen. Since we felt we needed some sort of dedicated 'guest' room in this house we left the den open for that. Which left me in need of a studio area...since we have *no* use really for a formal dining area that would hardly get used (i'm not the 'big' meal kind of gal!) we decided to use it for my studio. I would have rathered had a closed off area to retreat to - but this works as well - i do get to spend more time with the family while i'm creating. i haven't taken pics of it yet - it was a little messy as i'm in the middle of a project!
the living room - not yet finished - the great debate (tv - on the wall or on the stand, vote now!)
dare you....
I also used some epoxy stickers from love, elsie....snuck some rhinestones in there at the end as well!
I hope you liked it and you create your own - send me pics of yours or a link to where it is posted...
until next time * the mini-book queen (as i've been previously deemed!)
Camera's: Large or small?
so i got it, still don't know how to use all parts of it, but love it dearly. the problem, of course, is it is a huge pain to tote around in addition to 2 adventurous boys and all of their things. it doesn't easily fit into my purse and if it does it is ultra bulky. It just isn't great for toting around everyday to take those spontaneous 'shots' we all love to have.
so - the question is - do i go invest more money in a 'pocket' size camera that doesn't take as great of pics but is easier to take with me literally everywhere? now i'll have 2 sources i need to download and catalog - when believe me i have enough trouble with one! but, i'm likely to have more pictures to play with.
example at hand: i've been meaning to get pics of the kids at the pool...but it is a constant 95 degrees here daily - i really hate lugging the big nikon bag on the walk to the pool in addition to my beach bag, stroller, life jacket / noodles, oh yeah and my 6 year old on the bike. I'm also afraid of leaving it in the heat for the 1-2 hours we are there...probably not good for it? hence, no pics of florida yet!
okay - give me some feedback....maybe go really cheap on the pocket camera, but don't miss out on 'any' shots. then use the nikon when we are doubling up on the kids (i.e. doug and i can both be there) one to take the camera back home once we are done - or just carry the huge thing!
i know these are not 'really' problems....just thoughts rolling in my brain!
look out for the 'i dare you to do a summer mini-book' challenge coming soon.
love to all - s.
berber vs. carpet???
I have been more into this facebook craze lately, leaving me little time to blog and fb....and keep up with my other favorite blogs...but i believe it is easier to post pics here and talk about creative things, so i'm trying to keep it going more regularly - and yes, i know i've said that before!
so, i am busy vacuuming right now -which is probably why i thought i'd do a blog post, i will do almost anything to keep away from cleaning! i'm pondering why i have more real estate to vacuum and why i have had to dump my bagless vacuum 2 times already from just our living area....did we turn into major pigs and slobs once we moved to Florida?? is it that much dirtier here than indiana?? or is it carpet versus the berber i had at home?? First off, we went from a 2-story to a large ranch style home...so i'm thinking i used to split up the first floor one day and the 2nd floor the next so it never seemed like much vacuuming....we have more 'open' space here as well. so i'm vacuuming the entire house all at once (more dirt) and omg this regular carpet thing sheds like a golden retriever would...holy carpet fuzz???
so cons of berber....it melts really quickly when you drop an iron on it, it isn't the softest carpet, sometimes lacks dimension (compared to the nice shag carpet). pros of berber....holds up really well, if you get a 'multi-color' blend everything from coffee, playdough, kool-aid, yogurt blends in rather nicely and there is no need to get the entire stain out - making life with kids really easy!
so far my cons of carpet - sheds like a 100-lb. golden, cream color shows stains ratehr easily (although none of ours yet), not sure on the wear and tear....pros - it is very cushiony and does add more a homey feeling....althought not as even as berber when installing 3 sets of ladder shelves next to each other....
okay - i know a rather odd and boring post, but we have to start somewhere right? sad, but true, i've only taken 2 pictures since being here....i promise - soon they will come...maybe another post about pros and cons of a massive nikon d80 versus a small pocket camera.....
comment if you would still like to read posts from me in the future! let me know you are out there!